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Thoughts and Utterances: Threading Together the Narrative of Life

  • Jennifer Lauren Gallery  20 Arlington Way London UK (map)

Jennifer Lauren Gallery will show Garrol Gayden's work at Thoughts and Utterances, a group exhibition in London.

Thoughts and Utterances features three artists from across the world, all sharing their memories in an explosion of colour, line and form:

  • Ben Wilson, known as the chewing gum man, from the UK

  • Garrol Gayden from LAND Gallery

  • Robert Fischer from Geyso20 in Germany

This diverse exhibition draws on the Gallery Director’s interest in text within artwork, its legibility, and its purpose. 

Ever since my degree I have been interested in how text is used within artwork, and whether messages are subtly or openly made through this medium. Within my own artwork, text has played an important part, highlighting the unspeakable in suggestive but not overly obvious ways. These three artists use text and symbols in varying ways to either explain or narrate their ideas, or in Robert Fischer’s case we, as the audience, are left to make our own decisions on what his symbols and letters are perhaps meant to illustrate.
— Director Jennifer Gilbert

Jennifer Lauren Gallery champions self-taught and overlooked artists. The gallery exhibits work by artists who create works outside the mainstream art world and art history. It aims to showcase undiscovered talents, as well as internationally recognised artists commonly seen as Outsider Artists, whose authentic, raw and honest work speaks for itself. 

LAND would like to thank Jennifer Gilbert for organizing this exhibition. 

October 18

Amputation Farm

December 6

Michael Pellew at NADA Miami 2018